My Projects
I have been involved to some extent in a number of projects, some open-source and some closed.
For a previous employer (WebFusion), I was tasked with producing an automated domain registration site where customers could sign up, register one or more domain names, and manage all aspects of their domains (nameservers, DNS, mail and web forwarding). The result was the original site back in 2000 although it has changed quite a lot since.
I have a Github account which has some of my open-source work.
"I wrote this"
- Shartak - a web based RPG I started in 2005.
- KillProof - a Guild Wars 2 raid website which uses the GW2 API to query player accounts and track account statistics
- MonkeySeek - a simple Javascript game where you have to find the banana before the monkey. This has also been partially converted to an iOS native application.
- "Role Playing Game With No Name" (RPGWNN) - a Perl web application framework for producing browser-based RPGs similar to Shartak. It's nowhere near finished as my spare time was diverted to other projects.
- RPGWNN (attempt 2) rewritten in Python. This got shelved as although Python requires a lot less dependencies to produce a working web application, and was a fun learning experiment, it's not my preferred language.
- RPGWNN (attempt 3) rewritten in Perl using Catalyst and DBIx::Class as the underlying frameworks. Since this was started, I've learned a lot about Catalyst and DBIx::Class including deployment of the application and auto-updating of the database.
Contributions to open source
- Cyrus IMAP Documentation - contributions to the documentation repository
Primary contribution was converting existing docs to ReST format (currently offline). Since this work, the documentation repository has been merged with the main repository and my commits can be found via GitHub. Unfortunately the merge process seems to have allocated the commit messages to the previous commit content! To find my work, find the commit which has a parent of the id that shows up in the search, not an easy task through the GitHub interface. - Exim - bug 1609 reported with patch
© 2015-2021 Simon Amor